Chelsea Bear Honey

Chelsea Bear Honey grew out of a shared interest in beekeeping by a mother and daughter in Charlotte, North Carolina. We began this journey 5 years ago and learned from some great community resources about best in class beekeeping practices. Our mission is to produce the cleanest, most natural products possible, follow sustainable beekeeping practices, and ensure our bees are healthy and happy. All of our honey is pure, raw, and unfiltered - and travels less than 100ft from the hive to the jar!

Chelsea’s Story

My name is Chelsea. I am 13 years old and I have been a beekeeper for 5 years.  I’ve always loved being outside, and really enjoy and appreciate nature.  A few years ago, my mom asked me if I wanted to get bees. I thought it was crazy, but she said she had wanted to do it for a while and asked if I would be interested in doing it with her. I said yes, and now I am so happy I did it. 

I started bee school with my mom and we studied everything about bees.  I took the test to become a certified beekeeper, and failed it (it’s not really a test designed for 9 year olds!).  I studied harder and took it again, and passed the test and the practical when I was 10.  Now we have a small apiary in our backyard and bees are my favorite animal. 


Bees are really important not just for the honey they produce, but for farms, crops, and our food supply.  One of every three bites of food we eat is the result of honeybee pollination.

We take very good care of our honeybees and always make sure they have plenty of honey for themselves.  They reward us every year by producing an extra amount of really good honey, so now you can enjoy it too!  

All of our honey is pure, raw, and unfiltered to ensure it remains naturally rich in nutrients and beneficial enzymes.
